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Showing posts from May, 2017

Khaidi No. 150 - Chiranjeevi single handedly lifts up this otherwise mediocre story-telling venture

I watched the premier show of Khaidi No. 150 on 10th Jan in London's Safari Cinema. I am a fan of Chiranjeevi, and took pride in buying tickets for a couple of my friends to celebrate his return to the big screen. Let me however guarantee that I wish to offer an unbiased review of the film. I'll probably find that hard to do and realise I might involuntarily show some bias so I can see myself reviewing this review a few times before I publish. Consider this a promise. Let's get the EXTERNAL FACTORS out of the way first: Chiru returned to the cinemas after a long 9 year break and believe me that felt like a century for his ardent fans. I am not one of those but I did wait nevertheless. Unlike your average Indian hero who is either blessed with parental membership of the film fraternity or a one-trick pony, Chiranjeevi is somewhat unique and special. His successful career and stardom are credit entirely to his own commitment and hard work that several of his peers h...

Bahubali 2: The Conclusion. A 360 degree review.

I watched Bahubali 2: The Conclusion a couple of days ago in London Eastham's Boleyn Cinema. It was the 10:00 p.m. show that started only around 11:00 p.m. as there were a lot of unsold tickets and they decided that it would be best to merge the 2 shows and avoid an empty late night show (apart from the costs ofcourse). I didn't have any issues with that as I went with 2 of my buddies and it didn't matter how late. I did wonder however if that was fair or acceptable for about a dozen others who thought it was wise to bring their mostly under 12 kids to late night movies. But if you are prepared to ruin your kids sleep patterns by a couple of hours, what is an hour more huh! Each to his own. Before I get into what I thought about the movie let me just state this - I wasn't eager or interested in going. I did so only because I had great company. Looking back, I am glad I had such great company. Some of you smarty pants probably would already guess my motive behind...